Took the new camera out for a spin last night.
And although still without the lens I need to get before China (the 50mm) - and therefore stuck with the 35mm (which acted like a 50mm on the old camera - I really like that 35mm lens, it's tiny, light, acts great in darker circumstances with its F2, and it gives the pics a strange quality I find difficult to describe. It's like it renders the pictures less glossy than my other lenses), it produced some cool photos quality wise.
Obviously wider than on my old camera (which I already explained in
this nerdy post)...
The colors are great, lots of details, and on the higher ISO it really produces much better pictures than the old one.
And since Refie would kill me if I show you the photos of him eating an icecream, he's only visible as a body in a grey T-shirt...
The Bag Man...
Japanese Pepper Lunch for Dinner... Friendly girl at the counter, who went a bit shy when I pointed the camera at her...
Cook it yourself...
Side of a building... to be redone properly with a more wide angled lens one of these evenings...
Click on the photos for the bigger version...