Friday, January 28, 2011

Sungai Lembing II

Well, you've seen already a few photos of Sungai Lembing...

I wrote another post about this town - or village rather - a while back. But seeing that visit was short and didn't include many photos of the town itself, I wanted to go back there.

Below another set of photos, which I think, if you look at them in one go, reflect the atmosphere quite well.

It's desolate.

I didn't do my best not taking pictures with people in it: the people are simply not there.

Well, not totally true, there are people - as you can see on some photos - but it seems to be only a handful, which adds to the sense of 'strange'.

A strange sense, like walking onto an abandoned movie set, still inhabited by some left behind extras, to please the one tourist per month who stumbles in by accident.

Perhaps that feeling is amplified by the houses itself, because the wood fronts are backed up by a lot of tin plating, creating the impression the fronts are only for decoration. And many of those houses are abandoned and empty. Striking for instance - as you can see on 'Redundant' and some of the photos below - is the lack of motorcycles or cars parked in front of those houses. That's a rare sight.

However, there's still some building activity going on, so perhaps Sungai Lembing is slowly reinventing itself.

I must admit though that the biggest part of this village doesn't seem to be inventing anything. It struck me mostly as a fading reflection of what once was...

Click on the photos for the bigger version...

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